CommunicatION and the power of positive ION’s

Paul W Byrne
2 min readNov 28, 2020

Since early 2000, I’ve been interested in words ending in ION as they are powerful. They can be either positive ION’s or negative ION’s however, I far prefer positive ION’s given the impact that they have on communication.

Twenty years ago, I was looking at Maps, Flip Charts, Work Streams, Gant Charts and they always had a profileration of the word ION’s. Then I got to thinking about how many ION words do we actually use. It became a passion and I was called to action that communication, both written and verbal, is highly influenced by ION’s as they carry that charge and so many are action oriented.

I believe that if one’s vocabulary is enhanced by the frequent use of positive ION’s, it can lead to enhanced communication as the messaging is less likely to get lost in the ether of poor messaging. It’s also noteworthy that in a world in which news (both fake and real), data etc are increasing at such a staggering pace, that its hard to see the wood from the trees or indeed accurately listen and receive what the key messages are.

So my challenge to you is to make a conscious decision to use more positive ION’s frequently in your written and verbal communication, play with them, practice them, learn them. Notice the impact they have in lifting the conversation to a whole new level (communication, action, inspiration, motivation, passion, vision, innovation etc and the list goes on…)

I hope you enjoyed this bit of communicatION, Paul Byrne

