Homeless Yet Hopeful — a poem by Paul Byrne

Paul W Byrne
2 min readNov 28, 2020
Homeless Yet Hopeful — by Paul Byrne

Wet cardboard beneath me saturating my musty sleeping blanket

Drizzle raining down on me yet paradoxically refreshing my tousled hair

And all I yearn for is a stare at first and then a glorious smile

Early morning sunlight cascading through the clouds

Its rays proffering hope as it gracefully warmed my bearded face

Yet who cares if I disappeared without a trace?

I gently watch the commuters as they race to work

Busily briskly racing across the pavements flagstones

Yet no one stops to glance at me, as I rest here for eternity

Weary from disturbed slumber I happily recall my youthful exuberance

Times past, parents and a warm bed, a pillow beneath my head

A dry abode and food so regular a joy to behold

Stories told in bed at night as I lay there wrapped up tight

But now my loose damp clothing irritates my cracked skin

The church bell rings out announcing mass for those who wish to pray

Yet here I lie in my smelly clothing yearning for a nights sleep

